
Top 10 Redout 2 tips & tricks for success

Tame all that insane speed with my top 10 Redout 2 tips and tricks for beginners pilots and maybe some veterans too.

If you watched my Redout 2 review, you would know that it is a fast and unforgiving game. So here we are with some tips and tricks to hopefully, in theory, potentially, give you an easier ride. Or should that be fly?

Ranging from obvious to not-so-obvious, by the end of this video you should have more luck in this rather excellent anti-grav racer. If you find the video useful, subscribe and like. Maybe even comment your own tips for other players to benefit from.

Note: This is the script from my YouTube video, in case you would prefer to read it. Click play above to watch or go here.

1) Prioritise upgrades

While it can be tempting to play the game in order of the races thrown at you, it makes more sense to focus on those that reward you with a hovership upgrade. Why? Because upgrades can make your ship faster and easier to handle.

So look at each event to see the reward or rewards available and go from there. Assuming ‘speed’ challenge difficulty has not been adjusted, skip these unless you are a boost king. More on this later.

2) Use assists

Yeah, yeah. Only a wuss uses assists. And also sensible people who would rather enjoy the game and not get deterred early on. Go into menu, then gameplay and increase the assist level on whatever area of control you are struggling with.

Find worrying about facing the nose up or down too much to handle? Go crazy with pitch. Or strafe. Or steer. Whatever you fancy.

Boost Safety is particularly useful as it stops you from boosting beyond a certain percentage so you never explode. 5 per cent is the lowest, but 10 per cent gives you more of a buffer in case you hit any obstacles shortly after.

3) Boost hard

Combining two points already mentioned, those pesky speed challenges are achievable when you go fast. The faster, the better. So forget about worrying about your average speed and instead work out when to use both boosts at the same time. Usually on the most straight section of a circuit.

Because managing the damage intake, steer and everything else gets too much use the Boost Safety assist at 5 per cent to let you hit the absolute highest top speed you can.

Do this each time your boost, hyperboost and damage gauges have recharged and you can get enough points for gold and silver, not just bronze or nothing.

4) Remember to rewind

Another useful tip that barely gets a mention in the game is rewind. Yes, Forza Horizon style, you can go back in time to rectify mistakes except in time trial and survival events. Press B or equivalent, then use the left trigger to go back to before you messed up.

Then press A or equivalent to restart the action and see if you can get things right. When it comes to jumping and some tight corners without barriers on the outside of the corner, you will thank your lucky stars for this time-defeating feature.

5) Jump around

My next Redout 2 tip concerns jumps. The game is full of them and most are just a case of some upward pitch and boost, depending on how upgraded your hovership is. Or nose down to stop yourself from heading into orbit.

However, some jumps are really far and a pain to get right. Track memorisation is key but that is not so easy given that there are 72 layouts in the base game. What you can do is use the D-pad and boost to help lean and move yourself towards the landing if your take-off was wonky.

Mid-air directional changes are not easy, but once mastered you can nail jumps consistently and recover if someone knocks you off course.

6) Keep your foot down

And now we come to a simple Redout 2 tip that may or may not seem obvious: Keep the accelerator on. Apart from the fact that swapping between brake and accelerator wastes time, the air brake basically works the same regardless of whether you are accelerating or not.

At least, it is responsive enough for you to never bother taking your finger off the gas. So either get a mega strong finger or rubber band the button down – it could speed you up.

7) Steering strategies

Speaking of the controls, let us talk about the twin-stick steering method of Redout 2. For really steep corners, a hefty dose of airbrake until you start turning round the bend can work well. You can gradually ease the brake off as you make your way through the apex – trail braking style.

Another tactic is to strafe to the outside of a bend before you get to it so you have the most potential rotation and the best line, then steer with both joysticks into the corner as the apex appears. Usually the left joystick first to rotate the ship then the right joystick to hold the line.

Think of it like skiing, where you point your body and skis towards the corner before you get to it or at least at the same time as it arrives.

This two-stick method takes timing, but on certain corners and even some entire circuits it can reduce or remove the need to use the airbrake. That means a higher average speed and faster lap times.

Obviously at Redout 2 pace everything is easier said than done, which is where a later tip comes in handy. Arcade mode is good for practice as you can choose each circuit and challenge type so consider that if really stuck in the career mode.

8) Pick the right ship

Next up, Redout 2 has noticeable variation in hovership handling characteristics, which means that there probably is a ship that suits you best. Suit you, sir. And I would go further and say that ships with an emphasis on handling are usually most newbie-friendly.

This is because they make it easier to get around corners, which in turn helps you avoid touching the sides. Something that can really affect your overall pace.

Of course, unlocking ships is not the easiest task nor is there a huge amount of choice early on. But at least Redout 2 lets you see the rewards of career mode races so you know what to focus on. Use arcade mode to try out and read the description of all ships until you have a favourite. Then go get it.

9) Course memorisation is key

For tip number nine, this is something I recommend in all racing games: Practice and course memorisation are key. Redout 2 throws corners at you so fast– and sometimes in blind fashion – that you really benefit from knowing which side of the track to be on. Or where to aim for when jumping.

The issue is that all 36 circuits are available in reverse, making it a bit of a job to remember them all. Although if you play the career mode long enough to reach the later leagues, I can assure you that things will start sinking in.

10) Try a change of view

And my final Redout 2 tip is to try out all three views. I find the nose view can be great for excitement and accuracy when it comes to cornering, but the sensation of speed is most intense and therefore you can panic more.

The mid-distance third-person ship view, meanwhile, is a good happy medium of seeing what is going on and judging distances between the ship and the barriers. Or lack of. Personally, I find the longer distance ship view challenging but it may help with jump visibility.

And that is it for this Redout 2 tips guide. If you found it useful subscribe, like and maybe even touch that bell. Take care, homescones. Bye.

Ben Griffin

Ben Griffin is a motoring journalist and the idiot behind the A Tribe Called Cars YouTube channel and website. He has written for DriveTribe, CNN, T3, Stuff, Guinness World Records, Custom PC, Recombu Cars and more.

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