Top 10 best trucks for Season 9: Renew & Rebuild


Ontario has arrived so here are my top 10 best trucks for Season 9 to use when tackling this beautiful slice of Canadian countryside.

As Nelly would say, it is getting hot in here. But rather than get undressed for a region scarred by great fires I thought I would provide some best trucks for Season 9: Renew & Rebuild.

Yes, you, the seemingly lone survivor (unless fish count) are responsible for dousing fires, reviving infrastructure and a whole lot more in the two new Ontario maps, the Albany River and Burned Forest.

Like with Season 8: Grand Harvest and all but Amur and Imandra, SnowRunner Season 9: Renew & Rebuild is more about enjoyment than challenge. However, random fallen trees, steep hills, uneven singletrack, sludgy pits, rocky water crossings and long journeys can make life tough.

As such, trucks with a wide stance, decent power and at least AWD or Diff Lock are advisable. There are also many tasks where you need to rescue items, making a crane, cargo bed and/or a trailer the most efficient combination.

When it comes to the firefighting elements, I will do a separate tips and tricks video. However, I would suggest having a support truck with refuel and rescue capabilities on standby as you will be doing many trips back and forth from the water towers to the water booms or directly to each fire.

The use of fuel efficient vehicles really is best in Ontario, as driving between each map happens a lot and fuel stations are a mythical creature. You have been warned.

Now, let us get into my top 10 best trucks for SnowRunner Season 9. Subscribe and like if you have not done so already. In order of least best to best best, according to the Tribe.

Please note: This is the script from my YouTube video, click play above to watch or go here.

10) TUZ 16 Actaeon

Wildcard time, yes I have chosen the TUZ 16 Actaeon – named after a Greek god who got eaten by his own hunting dogs. Easy mistake. Why? Because I like how it looks and that it has an autonomous winch despite being relatively small and not a scout.

Okay, so even with its raised suspension and 47-inch tyres it can struggle to make speedy progress. Yet it has the ability to pull a trailer and fit a one-slot cargo bed and crane. Ample space for numerous tasks in Season 9 Ontario.

Though the fuel tank is small and its engines pretty thirsty, the roof rack adds another 80 litres to the default 110 litres. Does its ability to save the day outweigh the weaker range and slower off-roading? Sometimes not, but the drive is satisfying and it can do scouting nicely.

9) Aramatsu Forester

Now, I was going to have the International Paystar 5600TS on this list for logging and there are other trucks such as the 73210 that do the job well. However, I dusted off the Aramatsu Forester and, as it turns out, I am glad I did.

For starters, the range is great and in a region lacking in fuel that is wonderful. Where the Paystar 5600TS ran out twice, I was able to transport short logs comfortably to their destination. The fact it has the logging crane built in is great, as is its ability to tackle tough terrain and turn well.

It is really only the fact the Aramatsu Forester is limited to logging and that there is not as much logging in Ontario as other regions that it places further down my list.

8) Zikz 566A

Next in my best trucks for Ontario round-up, one of the two trucks Season 9 comes with. Despite looking old and feeble, hello thin tyres, it can upset much younger whippersnappers when it comes to utility, performance and enjoyment.

It is surprisingly stable and when Diff Lock is engaged it can get through Ontario’s worst terrain, whether on its own or pulling cargo. Always on AWD is largely to blame, as is the double rear wheel arrangement and maximum 47-inch tyre size.

The fact it has a unique-looking Fire Tank addon and at least some cargo and crane capability means it can perform most tasks without making you want to poke yourself in the eye.

Fuel-wise, the Zikz 566A is reasonably efficient too and said total can be bolstered using the 140-litre roof mount. Unless you fit the Fire Tank, in which case the ladder ruins everything. Overlook this old-timer at your peril as it comes in handy and provides some variety.

7) Pacific P512 PF

And now for a random choice of mine that could be swapped by quite a few trucks. However, for me I like the way the Pacific P512 PF looks, how it handles and the speed it moves. Even without AWD you can chuck on the engageable Diff Lock and blitz through much of what Ontario throws at you.

As covered in my video review of this heavy truck, there is much versatility to be enjoyed too. Crane, cargo bed and the ability to pull a trailer comes in handy for cargo rescue and general deliveries.

Or you can make it a firefighter with the Fire Tank addon, search for vibrations using the Seismic Vibrator (lol, seismic), pull big trailers, carry logs and just about everything else. Just be mindful of that 200-litre fuel capacity.

6) Derry Special 15C-177

The second of the two new trucks in Season 9: Renew & Rebuild, we have the Derry Special 15C-177. Apart from the fact it has blue lights, spotlights and a firefighting paintjob, there are numerous reasons to flop out this longboi.

It can, for starters, equip a crane, cargo bed and pull a trailer, which adds to its versatility in a region with many tasks to rescue cargo and take it somewhere. Once moving, it trundles along through harsh terrain like a pro – albeit slowly. Pulling power is top-notch when upgraded.

Unlike the other longboi, however, the Azov 73210, the Derry Special is less prone to snagging its nose on the ground, but it does have a low-hanging undercarriage. No jokes. Still, Active Suspension can be used to raise it up – although it does become considerably more tippy.

Then there is its ability to sip fuel. For such a big truck and with eight slots of cargo in tow, I was amazed how far it could go before running out. Even with its sizable 2,200 litre Fire Tank addon filled to the brim.

Chuck on the Trunk Repair Supplies and you can add 140 litres more fuel as well as 150 repair points. Really, it is only the fact you cannot use a trailer with the Fire Tank addon that keeps it from being the ultimate firefighter.

The Derry Special 15C-177 is available for free by completing some Ontario tasks and then 180,000 SnowRunner coins thereafter. Expect an unlock guide soon.

5) Caterpillar 745C

Now, what is big, yellow and like a metal caterpillar? It is the 745C, erm, Caterpillar, which can be problematic thanks to its articulated steering mechanism. However, in Ontario there are not so many deadly tree stumps lying in wait to ruin your day. Nor do you need to take forest shortcuts.

Honestly, for singletrack support work there is very little as good. No amount of mud can stop it, nor any river, mountain, hill or even the worst driving. Especially in low gear with AWD and Diff Lock enabled.

Plonk this beast somewhere well-travelled on the map and benefit from having a big and yellow guardian angel to save your day.

4) Tayga 6436

Up next, the Tayga King AKA the 6436. A solid workhorse that makes back-and-forth firefighting duties interesting and it has the off-road ability to succeed in all areas. It is thirsty, but it somehow manages to get to where it needs to go.

Though some prefer off-road tyres, in Ontario the Tayga balloons can help with soaking up bumps and make leaning over in ruts less of a thing, enhancing stability.

I actually tried the Tayga 6455B for the sake of variety. However, it kept doing that weird freeze thing on hills and when it is moving it struggles to stay in gear.

The 6436 is more consistent in Ontario, not to mention its far superior turning circle comes in handy and it is easier to get.

3) DAN 96320 (crane & heavy duties)

Now we come to the powerhouse that is the DAN 96320, which remains one of my favourite trucks in SnowRunner. For crane work, it is top-tier and its ability to conquer difficult terrain, with or without a trailer, is basically unsurpassed.

Not that it is the perfect truck, as its versatility is more limited than other suggestions on my best trucks list. It also has a big turning circle and can be scarily bouncy, particularly with Active Suspension engaged.

But for heavy duty loads and rescues, DAN really is the man. If he can’t do it, no one can.

2) Zikz 605R

Now, some people have noticed the Zikz 605R took a stealth nerf and I do think it has become less powerful. Even so, this hard-to-get and Amur-based beast is still utterly brilliant for off-road trucking.

Keep it in high gear and you can go just about anywhere while pulling just about anything. Sadly, it does not have as many addon options as my ultimate choice, nor is it as agile, but for those who want to get things done without hassle it comes highly recommended.

Adding jam and cream to an already fine scone, not scone, we have the fact it can fit Trunk Repair Supplies on top for another 200 litres of fuel and 600 repair points, adding to its standard 380-litre capacity.

1) Azov 73210

And my winner for nest trucks for Season 9: Renew & Rebuild. Another regular on the channel, the Azov 73210 really plays to its strengths in this Canadian area. Sheer versatility, stability, effortless power, agile steering, a large fuel tank and fuel efficiency make it probably the most capable truck – whether in normal or hard mode.

And somehow for a truck that is more dependable than speedy, I always find it satisfying to drive. Unlike its still excellent 64131 sibling, which also does well in Ontario. Whether it is logging, cargo rescue, firefighting, crane work or truck rescues, the 73210 will rarely let you down.

And don’t just take my word for it either. Numerous brave truckers who have beaten maps in hard mode suggest using the 73210 way more often than not. Predictable? Yes. Anything but reliable? Nope.

And that is it for my personal top 10 best trucks for Season 9 Ontario list, I hope you enjoyed it. As a well-balanced map, you can use many, many trucks and still have a good time. These are just my favourites among the many, many I tested.