SnowRunner Phase 8 screenshots

Leaked: SnowRunner Phase 8 screenshots

SnowRunner Phase 8 screenshots have emerged, bringing with them confirmation of a farming theme plus some interesting new ‘truck’ news.

Remember my SnowRunner Phase 8 Clarkson’s farm video? Well, now I can bring you fresh produce from the farm of news. Specifically, a look at what the new maps will look like and the new trucks you will get to use.

Okay, so the screenshots released by a SnowRunner artist who worked on Phase 7 Tennessee are obviously not quite the same as gameplay footage but we can learn a lot from all five.

For starters, it appears there will be fields of crops for Theresa May to run through. British politics joke. Sunflowers for olive oil and another crop that appears to be Maize but feel free to correct me. Personally I would grow grapes and make A Tribe Called Wine a thing.

Please note: This is the script from my YouTube video, click play above to watch or go here.

SnowRunner Season 8: Everything you need to know

Phase 8 in bloom

Sunflowers are actually maybe symbolic of the current Russian invasion, as they are a symbol of peace in Ukraine. Or perhaps just representative of the fact they are a major agricultural export – you decide.

If the map looks reminiscent of Taymyr in Russia in the SnowRunner Phase 8 screenshots, that is because it appears Phase 8 is based in Russia. The RU underscore map naming convention a potential clue, although my prediction that we get a formerly Russian map converted to Ukraine could still happen.

Yes, SnowRunner has yet another snow-less area to explore. Based on what I know already, four maps. Maybe these screenshots are all from the same map, in which case maybe snow will be a thing elsewhere.

Previously seen details include the logs in the muddy waters to aid crossing, various tree models, the housing, powerlines and fencing. So those craving a radical departure from previous locations may be disappointed.

Feel free to up the detail to 4K, pause the video and further analyse each of the SnowRunner Phase 8 screenshots for potential clues. In the meantime, I shall talk about the confirmed and potential new Phase 8 trucks. If you can call them that.

New trucks?

Up first is the Tractor K-7M “Kirovets”, which my source says has been confirmed. As you can see, this is a very cool-looking Russian tractor with its own Tayga-esque balloon tyres. At more than seven metres long, this is not going to be the easiest thing to get through a McDonald’s drive-thru.

A potential addition to SnowRunner is the V8-powered Kirovets K-700, which seems to be an older model from the USSR days. For harvesting and dragging crops around, this could be a winner.

Next in the list of potential trucks in Phase 8 is the Claas Xerion 5000-4200, which can have wheels or the triangular Trac TS crawler system. It could become the vehicle with the most numbers in its name in SnowRunner – a much coveted title, obviously.

Now we get onto another bit of new truck news. A logo for Californian automotive designer and manufacturer Rezvani Motors appeared in the latest update on PC. It offers two off-road models so I assume a likely paid Rezvani DLC will contain one or both of them.

One of them is the Tank, which is scout sized and has an optional 500 or 1,000 horsepower V8 or the standard 3.6-litre V6. Thermal night vision is also a thing and there is bright LED lighting on top. FYI, this particular model has featured in other games.

The second truck from Rezvani that would make sense in SnowRunner is the Hercules 6×6. Yes, maybe you could drive up to watchtowers in a six-wheeled pick-up worth at least 195,000 US dollars. Both the Tank and Hercules can be had in even more ‘badass’ military editions.

In case you missed my last Phase 8 video, we are allegedly getting four maps. A three hundred per cent increase on Phase 7 Tennessee.

New cargo types are also on the cards such as Chemical Barrels and as for trailers, well, there has been a mention of a Cultivator and Planter. Both of which emphasising a more farm-focussed furore for frolicking f******, I mean truckers.

When is the Phase 8 release date?

Well, it was meant to be summer and, of course, that is usually around now – in the UK anyway. I have been told we may see it on the Public Test Server in early August 2022, which would pave the way for a late August or early September arrival. We shall see.

And on that vague note, it is time to drop the curtain on this video. Thank you for watching. I know many of you were not so keen on Phase 7 so all eyes will be on Saber Interactive and Focus Home to hit a home run with Phase 8.

As usual, be sure to like and subscribe to help the Tribe. Peace and love, bye.

Source: Focus Home forum