I played Overpass 2


Now that the Overpass 2 release date has been and gone, I was asked to give it a go. Here is a look at the career mode in 4K with ray tracing.

Off-roading has become a big part of A Tribe Called Cars, so I was happy to play Overpass 2. A game from developer Neopica and publisher Nacon where you get to drive ATVs, UTVs and rock bouncers through beautiful and unforgiving terrain.

I say beautiful because, as games go, Overpass 2 is mighty pretty. Slap on ray tracing, assuming your PC can handle it, and 4K 60FPS and beyond looks glorious. Glass blowing in the breeze, snazzy reflections, detailed environments – the developer has really nailed that realistic look.

Not that you get much time to enjoy the view. Little rocks, big rocks, steep ascents, perilous descents, boggy terrain, sandy impasses and mighty jumps all have to be navigated if you wish to get on the podium and progress in the career mode.

Speaking of which, there is a fair bit of depth to the Overpass 2 main gameplay mode. Not only can you hire and fire staff, there is research and development of parts and vehicles to be done as well as sponsorship challenges and extreme challenges (shown in the videos).

Though the physics system is less simulator and more arcadey, precision steering, counter-steer and early braking are all required. Whether that is rallying up steep slopes in a rock bouncer, racing the AI on a circuit or getting from A to B.

Despite a slow start and not much innovation over its predecessor, Overpass 2 does end up providing some good-old fashioned driving enjoyment. Inconsistent, yes, but with some tweaks in the handling department it could become a whole lot easier to recommend.

For a look at Overpass 2 gameplay, be sure to click play on the two videos above (preferably in order but you do you). Just make sure you have 4K detail enabled on YouTube. Feel free to leave a comment too.

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