SnowRunner New Game + explained


SnowRunner New Game + comes with Season 8: Grand Harvest. Here is my guide to what it is all about, including all rules released so far.

Besides new trucks, new maps and farming being part of the Season 8 update, we also get a long-awaited feature known as New Game +. Available to all players on all platforms, this mode is accessible when you choose to start a new game. Funnily enough.

What is New Game +, you cry? A set of rules you can adjust to your tastes. So if you want to make the game harder, you can. Or make it laughably easy, the choice is yours. There are, in fact, many options and I will go through them all for a potentially sleep-inducing experience.

Before that, be sure to like, subscribe and maybe even donate. Or buy some unfathomably cool A Tribe Called Cars merchandise. Or, ya know, don’t.

New Game + The rules

Okay so let us start a New Game + save. This involves going to new game and selecting New Game + before you choose an empty save slot. Delete an old save if you need to – just make sure you delete the right save. You have been warned! Consider a backup if you can make one just in case.

Now it is time to decide which ‘rules’ you want to adjust, a total of 32 at the time of making this video. Maybe others will be added. All rules can be left as default, as in what normally happens, or set to random for a random selection where the gaming gods decide your fate.

Okay, first we have the starting vehicles. You can start with a random North American scout on its own or with a highway or heavy duty vehicle. Rank can be changed to 10, 20 or 30 for everything unlocked from the start.

Then there is starting currency, which can be no money, 5,000, 15,000, 25,000, 150,000, 500,000, random from 5,000 to 100,000 or random from nothing to 100,000. Keep this low for a greater challenge.

Truck availability, meanwhile, lets you have all trucks available from the start, 5 to 15 trucks sold in each garage, store unlocks at rank 10, rank 20 or rank 30 or the store is entirely locked. This forces you to make use of the trucks you find.

If you are worried about DLC trucks affecting the experience, you can choose to start with none of them. Or throw challenge to the wind and make all trucks free with the next option. Or make them two, four or six times as expensive to buy or some random number between normal and six.

Truck selling

Then there is the truck selling rule, which can be set to 50 per cent of the original price, 30 per cent, 10 per cent or trucks cannot be sold at all.

You can even restrict vehicle storage, choosing between only three, five and 10 at a time. Or that only scout vehicles can be stored, as if somebody forgot to account for width when building the garage door.

Trailers get a grand-old set of rules too. Trailer availability can be set to all trailers available or only those found in the world. As for the trailer store, you can choose one to appear randomly per region, giving you more of a scavenging save if you want.

Trailers can also be free or two, four, or six times the usual price. Or said random amount between default and six. And for selling, the usual 50, 30 or 10 per cent of the original price or they cannot be sold at all.

Still awake? There is also external body addon rules, whereby you can have all addons available from day one. Or five or ten random addons, or each garage offers 10 random addons.

Tires can be limited, too. You can have all from the start, or just highway and allroad for true hell when you reach Amur. It might be better to enable all except mud, as the II variant of off-road is hard to fault.

You can even disable chained tyres although this is not such an issue. More fun could be having a random set in each garage, with some offering no tyres at all. As if the delivery driver got lost.

Internal addons, meanwhile, can be set to all from the get-go. Or ten to 50 in each garage, 30 to 50, 50 to 150 or zero to 100. Price of vehicle addons can be set to free. Or the usual two, four, six times or a random value between normal and six.

Garage refuelling can be set to unavailable or random. Fuel pricing, meanwhile, at free or two, four or six times the usual price. Random between normal and six can once again be selected, too.

What about garage vehicle and regional repair values? Well, you can choose no auto-repair and that all repairs cost money. Choose between the usual two, four, six and a random value from normal to six.

Repair points restock can be paid, too, at the aforementioned optional values. And you can increase their effectiveness, at two times more damage repaired. Or make them less effective, with vehicles taking two, four or six times as many repair points to fix.

What about regional rules?

A nice option for those who care about truck regions are the regional repair rules, which can be increased by two, three or four times when outside the home region.

For true pain, Saber Interactive has also allowed you to change vehicle damage rules in New Game +. You can disable it entirely or make it three or five times more potent.

Brave or perhaps mad off-road truckers may also enjoy playing around with the truck recovery rules, which can be twice, four or six times the usual price or disabled entirely. Scary thought, but then it does add to the realism.

Last leg of the video now. Contract, task and contest payout amounts can be adjusted to 50, 150, 200 and 300 per cent the usual amount. Or a random value between 50 and 300 per cent.

To stop contest farming, you can make them permanently unavailable after one, three or five attempts. There is even an option to make them permanently unavailable if you score anything but a gold medal.

Automatic cargo loading rules can also be adjusted to two, four or six times the base price. Travelling can be adjusted too, as in active contracts and tasks no longer automatically show on the map.

Speaking of moving elsewhere, travelling between regions can be set to hard mode level, or two, four or six times the base price. Even moving between trucks can be made to cost you SnowRunner gold, at either 500, 1,000, 2,000 or 5,000.

And lastly, wow this was a dry video but hopefully insightful, we come to time settings. You can remove timeskip, double the length of daytime and no timeskip or double night-time with no timeskip. Or have day or night only.

Now I may well play with the absolute hardest set of rules and see how far I can get so let me know which combination you think that would be. Subscribe and like for more videos. Take care, bye.