How to unlock every truck in Expeditions: A MudRunner Game

How to unlock every truck in Expeditions: A MudRunner Game

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Here is how to unlock every truck in Expeditions: A MudRunner Game, courtesy of A Tribe Called Cars.

Expeditions: A MudRunner Game does not even have anywhere near as many trucks as SnowRunner at launch. However, I thought some of you might appreciate a guide to the trucks that are available to unlock.

All trucks can be earned from a mission within the relevant region. Preferably the same map, but gateways can work if unlocked. Or use the ‘Free Roam’ expedition option if you have access.

Bigger, torquier trucks preferable though I would say fuel capacity is king as the drives can be lengthy. So pick a truck with a roof rack and cargo bed. Just remember to switch the engine on of the truck you are towing.

Without further chit-chat, here is how to unlock every truck in Expeditions: A MudRunner Game. Be sure to also read or watch my truck rescue guide.

How to unlock the AFIM Hornet 622T

How to unlock the AFIM Hornet 622T

Truck type: Scout
Mission: Not Applicable
Location: Anywhere, Everywhere

Spending 32,000 gets you the AFIM Hornet 622T, the second AFIM and therefore second Italian truck in Expeditions: A MudRunner Game.

Yes, there is no need to unlock this small and modern pick-up. Nor do you need you even need to pay for it in real money, as it was added as part of the free Kanab Creek update from May 2024.

How to unlock the AFIM S1960

How to unlock the AFIM S1960 in Expeditions: A MudRunner Game

Truck type: Off-road
Mission: Out of the Dirt
Location: Arizona, Coconino

Unavailable currently in SnowRunner, we have the AFIM S1960 and its switchable AWD and Diff Lock. To get it, you need to complete a mission called ‘Out of the Dirt’, which is based in the Coconino map of Arizona.

As such, access to Coconino is essential. Using the Southwest Outpost is wisest as it is just a short-ish drive there and back. There are fairly obvious shelves to stick to along the way so just take fuel, drive steady and stay hydrated.

How to unlock the ANK MK38 Civilian

How to unlock the ANK MK38 Civilian in Expeditions: A MudRunner Game

Truck type: Off-road
Mission: Right Person for Right Job
Location: Carpathians, Mountain Labrynths

The original Mr Tippy before the KRS 58 Bandit came along in SnowRunner. Unlocking the later ANK MK38 Civilian variant is possible in Expeditions: A MudRunner Game though it does seem a bit feeble.

To unlock the ANK MK38, you need to complete the mission ‘Right Person for Right Job’. Starting from the Eastern Outpost makes life easier. Ensure you have a snorkel fitted and, as usual, stock up on fuel and other essentials for the journey.

How to unlock the Collie 293M “Pug”

Truck type: Scout
Unsuccessful Geoanalysis
Location: Arizona, Grand Canyon

A good introduction to the perils of truck rescue, the Collie 293M “Pug” also happens to be a decent scout and looks pretty mean. Just do not expect the best visibility. Or, in fact, any.

The task is called ‘Unsuccessful Geoanalysis’ and it is your job to drag the ‘fallen truck’ to the South Outpost. As such, it makes sense to start from the South Outpost unless you feel like you can sneak across the nearby river.

The route is not too difficult, just long. So bring some anchors, jack screws and prioritise as much fuel as possible.

How to unlock the KHAN Lo4F

How to unlock the KHAN Lo4F in Expeditions: A MudRunner Game

Truck type: Scout
Unfortunate Trip
Location: Arizona, Grand Canyon

Loafy McLoafFace is back and rearing to make every other truck look puny and feeble. Possibly. The truth is that it looks awesome and can go a pretty long way before running out of fuel. It also benefits from always on AWD and Diff-Lock.

To unlock this destroyer of worlds, you need to complete a task called ‘Unfortunate Trip’ and is best served by the West Outpost.

The route is not especially challenging, but it can get rocky and thin. Use the drone to plan ahead if necessary and bring some spare fuel. Or consider the Cargo Drone if you have spare cash.

How to unlock the KHAN 39 Marshall

Truck type: Scout
Mission: Where Trucks Dare Not Tread
Location: Carpathians, SlipRock Swamps

Yet another veteran of SnowRunner, one that took a pretty heavy speed nerf, we have the KHAN 39 Marshall scout. Little body, big wheels, always-on everything. You can do a lot worse in Expeditions.

To unlock the KHAN 39 Marshall, you need to complete the mission ‘Where Trucks Dare Not Tread’, which involves rescuing a ‘tourist truck’ from a rocky pit.

The Eastern Outpost is closest so I would use that. It is actually right next to the early on Ancient Fire mission so you can kill two birds with one stone.

In unlocking this truck, you also unlock the mechanic Michelle Redrock. Her bonuses are 30 per cent less supplies consumption, 15 per cent less truck damage and, best of all, 15 per cent lower fuel consumption.

How to unlock the KRS 58 Bandit

Truck type: Off-road
Mission: Quicksand
Location: Arizona, Sonoran Desert

The sound of cargo being thrown overboard and metal colliding with the ground, it must be the KRS 58 Bandit. Should you wish to unlock it, you need to complete a mission called ‘Quicksand’ (the start is right next to the end of ‘Heavy Load’).

You should start from the Central Outpost and then make your way to the ‘stuck truck’ in a sizeable crater. The route is not difficult to plot, however the final hill can be gruelling so keep the towed vehicle engine off as much as possible.

Suffice to say, extra fuel for the win and avoid letting the towed truck run out. Once that happens, you might be stuck in the water.

How to unlock the Shiba 6/J Overlander

Truck type: Scout
Mission: An Anomalous Journey
Location: Azure River, Sedona

Small and nimble, the Shiba 6/J Overlander was one of the first paid trucks in Expeditions: A MudRunner Game. To unlock it, you first need the Season 1 DLC.

Once this checkbox has been ticked, the Shiba 6/J Overlander can be unlocked by completing three expeditions in this order: A Mysterious Fissure, Secret of the Mountains and An Anomalous Journey.

The difficulty of this rescue is low, but it is worth doing as you get to see some of those lovely caves. Something unseen in SnowRunner at the time of writing (at least, officially).

How to unlock the SIRO 72 T8-H

How to unlock the SIRO 72 T8-H in Expeditions: A MudRunner Game

Truck type: Scout
Mission: Retrieve the Lost
Location: Shaking Land, Kanab Creek

Another newer truck in Expeditions: A MudRunner Game, we have the scout SIRO 72 T8-H. Unlike the Shiba 6/J Overlander, this truck (and the AFIM Hornet 622T) was part of a free update that included Kanab Creek.

To get it, you need to complete Retrieve the Lost, which is preceded by Search Team. Neither are especially difficult, just remember to bring some repair points to clear an avalanche in the latter task.

After that, drag it home and then you can buy the ARO 240 clone from the increasingly well stocked Truck Store.

How to unlock the Tatra 805

How to unlock the Tatra 805 in Expeditions: A MudRunner Game

Truck type: Scout
Mission: Raining Cars
Location: Arizona, Wahweap Bay

Hallejuah, this is how you unlock the Tatra 805 scout from SnowRunner. The mission is called ‘Raining Cars’, hence the bad joke, and involves yet another truck rescue. This time, in Wahweap Bay of Arizona.

The route is not especially direct so bring fuel, but it is not too technical if you plan map the route sensibly. Account for one river crossing and start from the East Outpost.

How to unlock the Tatra FORCE T815-7

Truck type: Heavy
Mission: Attempt to Ford the River
Location: Carpathians, SlipRock Swamps

The first heavy truck in this list and a capable performer in SnowRunner, we have the Tatra FORCE T815-7. To unlock it, you need to complete the mission called ‘Attempt to Ford the River’ in the Carpathians. The Northern Outpost is closest.

Even with the engine on while towing, this is a big truck. As such, I would use the Step 310E or other non-scouts with maximum pulling power.

As much fuel as possible is advisable as the drive back to the Northern Outpost is lengthy and can be troublesome. You can also take the Tatra to another outpost though the route is longer.

How to unlock the TUZ 108 Warthog

How to unlock the TUZ 108 Warthog in Expeditions: A MudRunner Game

Truck type: Off-road
Mission: Logistics Issues
Location: Carpathians, Unshakable Island

Yet another SnowRunner truck, this time from the early DLC season of Imandra, the TUZ 108 Warthog is worth a look in Expeditions: A MudRunner Game. So long as you can get it home during the ‘Logistics Issues’ mission.

Start from the Northwestern Outpost in Unshakable Island of the Carpathians and head towards the ‘sunken truck’. Then drop it back to the same outpost, having cut through numerous trees and across a bridge (bring 150 service spare parts).

Bring all the fuel and the most powerful truck you have. This is a tough route to navigate while towing a large and heavy truck.

How to unlock the YAR 87

How to unlock the Yar 87 in Expeditions: A MudRunner Game

Truck type: Scout
Mission: Lost in the Hills
Location: Carpathians, Dormant Volcano

As a launch truck in SnowRunner, the YAR 87 is well known for its scouting prowess. As such, it can be useful in Expeditions: A MudRunner Game if you are able to rescue it from a cliff as part of the ‘Lost in the Hills’ mission.

Located in the Carpathians, specifically Dormant Volcano, the drive is not so tough. Mostly flat with some coastline and trees to navigate through. As always, take more than you need to ensure success the first time.